Shipping and Delivery Policy

At, we provide mental health courses and services primarily through online platforms. Therefore, there are no physical products to be shipped. However, we understand the importance of timely delivery of digital content and ensuring a seamless learning experience for our participants. This Shipping and Delivery Policy outlines the delivery methods, timelines, and related procedures for accessing our courses.

Course Delivery:

  1. Instant Access: Upon successful registration and payment for a course, participants will typically receive instant access to the course materials and resources through our online learning platform.
  2. Confirmation Email: A confirmation email containing login credentials and instructions for accessing the course will be sent to the email address provided during registration.

Technical Requirements:

  • To access our courses, participants will need a compatible device (e.g., computer, tablet, smartphone) with internet access and a web browser.
  • Additional software or plugins may be required to view certain course materials. Any such requirements will be communicated to participants in advance.

Support and Assistance:

  • Our customer support team is available to assist participants with any technical issues or inquiries related to course access and navigation. Please contact us at [insert contact information] for assistance.

Refund and Cancellation:

  • Please refer to our Refund and Cancellation Policy for information regarding refunds or cancellations of course registrations.


  • While we make every effort to ensure the availability and timely delivery of our courses, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to our online learning platform due to factors beyond our control, such as internet connectivity issues or system maintenance.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Shipping and Delivery Policy, please contact us at